Parallel 11 - Inflation
Thursday, August 28, 2008 -
2:00 PM
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
2:00 PM
Emergent Cyclic Universes and Tolman's Entropy Problem
Tirthabir Biswas
Penn State University
Emergent Cyclic Universes and Tolman's Entropy Problem
Tirthabir Biswas
Penn State University
2:00 PM - 2:18 PM
Room: Lecture Hall
2:20 PM
Non-gaussianity from the bispectrum in general multiple field inflation
Shuntaro Mizuno
University of Tokyo
Non-gaussianity from the bispectrum in general multiple field inflation
Shuntaro Mizuno
University of Tokyo
2:20 PM - 2:38 PM
Room: Lecture Hall
2:40 PM
Nflation: observable predictions from the random matrix mass spectrum.
Soo A Kim
Kyung Hee University
Nflation: observable predictions from the random matrix mass spectrum.
Soo A Kim
Kyung Hee University
2:40 PM - 2:58 PM
Room: Lecture Hall
3:00 PM
Primordial gravitational waves in the anisotropic inflationary universe
Jiro Soda
Kyoto University
Primordial gravitational waves in the anisotropic inflationary universe
Jiro Soda
Kyoto University
3:00 PM - 3:18 PM
Room: Lecture Hall
3:20 PM
Staggered Multi-Field Inflation
Thorsten Battefeld
Princeton University
Staggered Multi-Field Inflation
Thorsten Battefeld
Princeton University
3:20 PM - 3:38 PM
Room: Lecture Hall
3:40 PM
3:40 PM - 4:00 PM
Room: Outside Lecture Hall
4:00 PM
Conservation and evolution of the curvature perturbation
Jinn-Ouk Gong
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Conservation and evolution of the curvature perturbation
Jinn-Ouk Gong
University of Wisconsin - Madison
4:00 PM - 4:18 PM
Room: Lecture Hall
4:20 PM
Vector inflation
Vitaly Vanchurin
University of Munich
Vector inflation
Vitaly Vanchurin
University of Munich
4:20 PM - 4:38 PM
Room: Lecture Hall
4:40 PM
Reheating of the universe after inflation with f(phi)R gravity
Yuki Watanabe
Univ. of Texas at Austin
Reheating of the universe after inflation with f(phi)R gravity
Yuki Watanabe
Univ. of Texas at Austin
4:40 PM - 4:58 PM
Room: Lecture Hall
5:00 PM
The role of SUSY flat directions in reheating
Ahmet Emir Gumrukcuoglu
University of Minnesota
The role of SUSY flat directions in reheating
Ahmet Emir Gumrukcuoglu
University of Minnesota
5:00 PM - 5:18 PM
Room: Lecture Hall
5:20 PM
Mach's Principle: Exact Frame-Dragging by Perturbations of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Universes with K = (+1, -1, 0)
Christoph Schmidt
ETH Zurich
Mach's Principle: Exact Frame-Dragging by Perturbations of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Universes with K = (+1, -1, 0)
Christoph Schmidt
ETH Zurich
5:20 PM - 5:38 PM
Room: Lecture Hall
5:40 PM
Stochastic gravitational radiation produced after inflation.
John Giblin
Yale University
Stochastic gravitational radiation produced after inflation.
John Giblin
Yale University
5:40 PM - 5:58 PM
Room: Lecture Hall
7:00 PM
Banquet - Lawrence Krauss, Speaker
Banquet - Lawrence Krauss, Speaker
7:00 PM - 9:15 PM
Room: Community Terrace