May 15, 2006
Pyle Center
America/Chicago timezone


Simulations and Analysis at Colliders (II)

May 15, 2006, 4:30 PM
Pyle Center

Pyle Center

Presentation materials

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Tonnis ter Veldhuis (Macalester College)
5/15/06, 4:30 PM
Piyush Kumar (Univ. of Michigan)
5/15/06, 4:50 PM
Georgios Choudalakis (MIT)
5/15/06, 5:10 PM
Bruce Knuteson (MIT)
5/15/06, 5:30 PM
Oscar Eboli (Univ. of Sao Paulo)
5/15/06, 5:50 PM
Tilman Plehn (Univ. of Edinburgh)
5/15/06, 6:10 PM
Building timetable...