May 11 – 13, 2009
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
America/Chicago timezone



May 12, 2009, 4:30 PM
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Ebling Symposium Center, Microbial Sciences Bldg., 1550 Linden Dr., Room 1220 (plenaries), and The Pyle Center, 702 Langdon St. (parallels)

Presentation materials

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Prof. Bruce Mellado (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
5/12/09, 4:30 PM
Prof. Scott Yost (The Citadel)
5/12/09, 4:45 PM
Dr Kentaro Mawatari (Heidelberg University)
5/12/09, 5:00 PM
Dr Seth Quackenbush (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
5/12/09, 5:15 PM
Mr Ayres Freitas (University of Pittsburgh)
5/12/09, 5:30 PM
Mr Andre Lessa (University of Oklahoma)
5/12/09, 5:45 PM
Dr Sudhir Gupta (Iowa State University)
5/12/09, 6:00 PM
Dr Zhenyu Han (UC Davis)
5/12/09, 6:15 PM
Building timetable...