Future Colliders Weekly Meeting


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Meeting ID: 930 5680 7183
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    • 10:00 AM 10:10 AM
      Cool Copper Collider - Beam Background Studies 10m
      Speakers: Elias Mettner (UW-Madison), Abdollah Mohammadi (UW-Madison)
      • Met with Lindsey to discuss plans
      • WHIZARD 3.0 integration of Tim's changes is just too much effort for the people who could plausibly do it, it seems
      • We are pivoting to a more patchy solution, but a solution nonetheless:
        • Manually modify a WHIZARD process to get the most generic 2-body phase space possible and produce the di-photon mass spectra
        • Set the cross-section ourselves
        • Basically bypass the automatic algorithms that are doing the things we don't want and making it work ourselves
      • Began looking into the manual and found that WHIZARD allows phase-space parametrization files as input
        • Don't actually know what one looks like though, need to produce and explore/modify
      • Also: APS Registration and Travel/Lodging booked 
    • 10:10 AM 10:20 AM
      CCC Background studies + H > aa > b,b tau,tau 10m
      Speaker: Mr Cheng-Hsu Nee
    • 10:20 AM 10:30 AM
      MuCol - Delphes Studies 10m
      Speaker: Ms Romila Gargeshwari
    • 10:30 AM 10:40 AM
      Muon Collider - DiHiggs - Detailed Simulation 10m
      Speakers: Ms Shivani Lomte (UW-Madison Physics Department), Carl Vuosalo (UW-Madison)
    • 10:40 AM 10:50 AM
      MuCol Calorimeter BIB mitigation ML algorithms 10m
      Speakers: Abhishikth Mallampalli (UW Madison), Shloka Mohanty (Student)
    • 10:50 AM 11:00 AM
      Muon Collider - BIB Mitigation ML Algorithms 10m
      Speaker: Shloka Mohanty (Student)