Apr 28 – 30, 2008
Memorial Union
America/Chicago timezone


Resonances and New Colored Particles

Apr 29, 2008, 4:30 PM
Tripp Commons (Memorial Union)

Tripp Commons

Memorial Union

800 Langdon St.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mr Daniel Phalen (University of Michigan)
4/29/08, 4:30 PM
Mr Ryan Gavin (University of Wisconsin)
4/29/08, 4:45 PM
Mr Jae Ho Heo (University of Illinois at Chicago)
4/29/08, 5:00 PM
Ms MyPhuong Le (Stanford Linear Acceleration Center)
4/29/08, 5:15 PM
Mr Georgios Choudalakis (MIT)
4/29/08, 5:45 PM
Dr Can Kilic (Johns Hopkins University)
4/29/08, 6:00 PM
Building timetable...