Apr 28 – 30, 2008
Memorial Union
America/Chicago timezone


New Physics Searches at LHC/ILC

Apr 28, 2008, 2:00 PM
Tripp Commons (Memorial Union)

Tripp Commons

Memorial Union

800 Langdon St.

Presentation materials

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Prof. Bruce Mellado (University of Wisconsin)
4/28/08, 2:00 PM
Dr Shrihari Gopalakrishna (Brookhaven National Lab)
4/28/08, 2:15 PM
Prof. Ulrich Baur (SUNY-Buffalo)
4/28/08, 2:30 PM
Mr Guiyu Huang (University of Wisconsin)
4/28/08, 2:45 PM
Mr Tong Li (Nankai Univ. / Univ. of Wisconsin)
4/28/08, 3:00 PM
Prof. Zack Sullivan (Southern Methodist University)
4/28/08, 3:15 PM
Mr James Gainer (SLAC)
4/28/08, 3:30 PM
Prof. Stephen Martin (Northern Illinois University)
4/28/08, 3:45 PM
Building timetable...