May 21 – 24, 2018
Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus
America/Chicago timezone

Late materialization has partially materialized

May 23, 2018, 4:45 PM
Howard Auditorium (Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus)

Howard Auditorium

Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus

601 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53715-1035


John Knoeller (UW-Madison CHTC)

Summary (2-4 sentences)<br>Just a few informal sentences describing what you want to present.<br>No need to spend a lot of time on this! You can change it later.

Late materialization of jobs in the schedd was previewed at HTCondor week 2017. In HTCondor 8.7 it's in and working. This talk will show what late materialization is, how to enable it, what is currently working, and what we think still needs to be done.

Primary author

John Knoeller (UW-Madison CHTC)

Presentation materials