Jason Newby
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
The first observation of coherent elastic neutrino nuclear scattering (CEvNS) was recently made by the COHERENT experiment at the Spallation Neutron Source at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This basic interaction now lays the foundation for a new era of compact neutrino detectors while providing a new probe of physics topics including electromagnetic properties, searches for physics beyond the standard model, and nuclear form factors. The Spallation Neutron Source is ideally suited for not only CEvNS studies but also a broader set of high-precision neutrino physics measurements and dark matter searches due to the accelerator's intensity, pulsed-structure, and proton beam-energy. Novel detectors with both low thresholds and good energy resolution are required to realize the full potential of this new neutrino laboratory. The experimental features of this new capability at ORNL as well as the performance of our operating and and future detectors will be discussed.
Primary author
Jason Newby
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)