August 30, 2022 to September 2, 2022
UW Madison
America/Chicago timezone
The workshop focuses on sharing recent progress and challenges from all the major 21 cm intensity mapping efforts, both EoR and post-EoR, to help this field reach its full potential. We will discuss important common challenges: calibration, sources of local correlated signals, foreground mitigation, cross-correlations, systematics from digital signal processing, validation, and software tools.

21cm Intensity Mapping: opportunities and challenges on the road to the SKA Observatory

Aug 31, 2022, 9:50 AM
B343 Sterling Hall (UW Madison)

B343 Sterling Hall

UW Madison

475 North Charter Street Madison, WI 53706


Marta Spinelli (ETH)


A key point for 21cm Intensity Mapping studies in the post-reionization Universe is the subtraction of the bright foregrounds,orders of magnitude stronger than the pristine cosmological signal. In this talk, I will briefly describe the status of MeerKLASS, an Intensity Mapping survey with the MeerKAT telescope. Moreover, I will report the results of an effort, led by the SKA Intensity Mapping Focus Group, to construct a realistic mock data cube with improved sky model and instrument characterization,and to assess through simulations the performance of foreground cleaning methods. I will discuss current limitations and the roadmap to the SKAO era.

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