August 30, 2022 to September 2, 2022
UW Madison
America/Chicago timezone
The workshop focuses on sharing recent progress and challenges from all the major 21 cm intensity mapping efforts, both EoR and post-EoR, to help this field reach its full potential. We will discuss important common challenges: calibration, sources of local correlated signals, foreground mitigation, cross-correlations, systematics from digital signal processing, validation, and software tools.

PAON4 X-correlated noise, satellites for beam, status of electronics (IDROGEN)

Sep 1, 2022, 1:40 PM
B343 Sterling Hall (UW Madison)

B343 Sterling Hall

UW Madison

475 North Charter Street Madison, WI 53706


Olivier Perdereau (IJCLab)

Primary author

Presentation materials