August 30, 2022 to September 2, 2022
UW Madison
America/Chicago timezone
The workshop focuses on sharing recent progress and challenges from all the major 21 cm intensity mapping efforts, both EoR and post-EoR, to help this field reach its full potential. We will discuss important common challenges: calibration, sources of local correlated signals, foreground mitigation, cross-correlations, systematics from digital signal processing, validation, and software tools.

Capturing the shape and variations of beams with holography

Sep 1, 2022, 11:00 AM
B343 Sterling Hall (UW Madison)

B343 Sterling Hall

UW Madison

475 North Charter Street Madison, WI 53706


Julien Girard (Observatoire de Paris)


With unprecedented sensitivity and field of view, new generation radiotelescopes at low frequencies have to face new calibration challenges. One of the main drivers to cope with direction-dependent distortion (due to strong off-axis sources) is to develop a knowledge of beamshapes and how they vary in frequency and direction. I am going to present recent modelling work carried on VLA and MeerKAT beam modelling, required for high dynamic imaging with these large interferometers. At low frequencies with the NenuFAR radiotelescope, I will also discuss the impact of this modelling on current Cosmic Dawn observations.

Primary author

Julien Girard (Observatoire de Paris)

Presentation materials