32nd International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies
To be held at the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Monona Terrace Convention Center in the heart of Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
The LP-2025 symposium will feature a broad range of topics of interest to the particle physics, cosmology and particle astro-physics communities. Presentations will include latest experimental results from current experiments, R&D towards future facilities and theoretical developments. There will be plenary talks providing summaries of the state of the field, typically in the morning, detailed reports in the parallel talks and topical results in poster sessions.
Abstract submission is open now: Submit an Abstract
Local organizing committee
- Sridhara Dasu (Chair)
- Vernon Barger
- Kevin Black
- Tulika Bose
- Lisa Everett
- Ke Fang
- Matthew Herndon
- Albrecht Karle
- Lu Lu
- Brian Rebel
- Gary Shiu
- Aimee Lefkow (Administrator)
- Dan Bradley (IT Services)
International Advisory Committee
- Sridhara Dasu, UW-Madison, USA (Chair)
- Shoji Asai, KEK, Japan
- Pierluigi Campana, INFN, Italy
- Florencia Canelli, Zurich, Switzerland
- Mohamed Chabab, Cadi Ayyad U., Morocco
- Jodi Cooley, SNOLAB, Canada
- Ulrik Egede, Monash U., Australia
- Fabiola Gianotti, CERN
- Gustavo Gil da Silveira, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
- Gautier Hamel de Monchenault, Saclay, France
- Beate Heinemann, DESY, Germany
- JoAnn Hewett, BNL, USA
- Dan Hooper, WIPAC, USA
- Yeongduk Kim, IBS-Daejeon, South Korea
- Lia Merminga, FNAL, USA
- Paris Sphicas, CERN/Athens, Greece
- Mark Thomson, STFC, UK
- Sreerup Raychaudhuri, BHU-Varanasi, India
- Veronica Sanz, Valencia, Spain
- Yifang Wang, IHEP-Beijing, China
Registration for this event is currently open.