May 21 – 24, 2018
Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus
America/Chicago timezone

Using a process-based forest simulation model to study effects of climate change on wildfire and forests in the western US

May 24, 2018, 9:35 AM
Howard Auditorium (Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus)

Howard Auditorium

Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus

601 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53715-1035


Winslow Hansen (UW-Madison Department of Integrative Biology)

Availability of the Speaker<br>Let us know if there are times you CANNOT present,<br>prehaps because you need to leave for the airport early, etc.

I would prefer to speak Thursday.

Summary (2-4 sentences)<br>Just a few informal sentences describing what you want to present.<br>No need to spend a lot of time on this! You can change it later.

My presentation will discuss the use of HTC to run a process-based individiual forest model. We used the model to explore how suppression of wildfires in subalpine conifer forests of the western United States may affect subsequent fire and forests in the 21st century.

Primary author

Winslow Hansen (UW-Madison Department of Integrative Biology)


Dr Monica Turner (UW-Madison Department of Integrative Biology) Dr Rupert Seidl (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Austria) Dr Werner Rammer (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Austria)

Presentation materials