Dec 8 – 10, 2019
Monona Terrace Convention Center
America/Chicago timezone

Particle Flow at 40MHz with the CMS L1 Trigger

Dec 9, 2019, 1:55 PM
Hall of Ideas H (Monona Terrace Convention Center)

Hall of Ideas H

Monona Terrace Convention Center

Madison, Wisconsin
Talk Machine Learning, Trigger and DAQ Machine Learning, Trigger and DAQ


Mr T. Christian Herwig (FNAL)


Following the High-Luminosity upgrade to the LHC, the CMS Level-1 (L1) Trigger will be overhauled to allow the efficient selection of diverse physics signatures at 40 MHz in an environment of up to 200 simultaneous proton-proton collisions. The L1 Trigger will combine information from the tracking, calorimeter, and muon systems to establish a list of single-particle candidates for each event using Particle Flow (PF) reconstruction and to suppress pile-up effects with the PUPPI algorithm. A second layer of processing will combine PF+PUPPI candidates intro high-level objects for trigger selection such as hadronic decays of tau leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum. Further, the existence of particle-level information for the full event will allow the use of complex reconstruction techniques such as Neural Networks in the L1 Trigger to improve identification performance. The L1 PF system will perform these computations within a latency budget of 1.5 microseconds through a system of parallel and pipelined FPGA processing implemented in the ATCA platform. The design and projected performance of the L1 PF Trigger system and algorithms will be described, along with progress toward a demonstration of the system in hardware.

Primary author

Mr T. Christian Herwig (FNAL)

Presentation materials