Dec 8 – 10, 2019
Monona Terrace Convention Center
America/Chicago timezone

Tracking and Timing with Induced Current Detectors

Dec 10, 2019, 10:10 AM
Hall of Ideas H (Monona Terrace Convention Center)

Hall of Ideas H

Monona Terrace Convention Center

Madison, Wisconsin
Talk Solid State Tracking Detectors Solid State Tracking Detectors


Dr Ronald Ronald Lipton (Fermilab)


Technologies such as 3D electronics/sensor integration and CMOS-based pixel sensors, combined with continued scaling of CMOS electronics has enabled detectors with small pixels with low power and very low load capacitance. This low capacitance and associated fast response allows us to use information from transient current signals rather than the normal fully integrated charge. In a detector with small pixel pitch/thickness these signals can provide prompt timing information from pixels that normally integrate to zero charge. Detailed information about tracks, such as angle and time, can be extracted from a single layer. Fast timing can also be achieved for x-ray detectors in thick silicon, eliminating the need for stacks of thin detectors for some timing applications. We will discuss studies of some possible configurations as well as possible demonstration projects.

Primary author

Dr Ronald Ronald Lipton (Fermilab)

Presentation materials