Ouellet Jonathan
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
The last few years have seen rapid growth in the application of quantum based sensors for the study of fundamental physics. In particular, transition edge sensors read out by SQUID sensors have been used extensively to improve the noise resolution of CMB telescopes, X-ray calorimeters, and other microbolometer based experiments. Macrobolometers — bolometers with large masses — are a powerful detection technology for many rare event searches across nuclear and high energy physics and form the basis for several next generation detectors including CUPID, searching for 0$\nu\beta\beta$ decay, Ricochet, studying CE$\nu$NS, as well as searches for low-mass WIMP dark matter. In this talk, I will discuss a low-noise, highly-multiplexed, TES and SQUID based readout being developed for CUPID and Ricochet.
Primary author
Ouellet Jonathan
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)