Dec 8 – 10, 2019
Monona Terrace Convention Center
America/Chicago timezone

Liquid Noble Gas Dual Phase Detectors for Dark Matter Detector

Dec 9, 2019, 5:35 PM
Meeting Rooms K-R (Monona Terrace Convention Center)

Meeting Rooms K-R

Monona Terrace Convention Center

Madison, Wisconsin
Award plenaries Plenary


Dr hanguo wang (UCLA)


In this presentation, I will first review briefly the early liquid noble gas R&D work within the ICARUS framework at CERN since 1989. Then I will report a few technical areas related to liquid noble TPC requirement, such as TPC field uniformity, high voltage, cryogenics and purification. I then will summarize the current work aiming at a zero instrumental background detector DarkSide-20k. A 20ton fiducial target liquid argon dual-phase TPC being developed by the global argon dark matter collaboration (GADMC). Briefly, a few new technologies enabling the DarkSide-20k detector, 1. SiPM light sensors, 2. depleted argon from underground sources, 3. 39Ar further reduction facility, ARIA, by cryogenics distillation, 4. ProtoDune cryostat hosting the entire detector system and acting as shield.

Primary author

Dr hanguo wang (UCLA)

Presentation materials