May 19 – 20, 2020
America/Chicago timezone

Office Hours

Office Hours

On Wednesday May 20 from 2-4pm CT, we'll hold drop-in office hours. All members of the CHTC team will be in virtual meeting rooms relative to their areas of expertise. Feel free to drop in anytime to ask questions, no appointment needed.

Registered users should expect an email with meeting URLs by the end of Tuesday May 19.

Topic Conveners
General Questions and Getting Started Miron Livny, Todd Tannenbaum, Zach Miller, Carl Edquist, Mark Coatsworth
OSG, HTCondor-CE, WLCG Brian Lin, Tim Cartwright, Lauren Michael, Edgar
Submitting and Managing Jobs and Workloads including File Transfer, DAGMan Christina Koch, Jess Vera, Ian Ross
Installation and Configuration: Identity Management, Installation, Scheduling, Monitoring Brian Bockelman, Aaron Moate, Greg Thain, Kent Cramer, Tim Theisen
HTCondor APIs: Python, REST Josh Karpel, Jason Patton, Matyas Selmeci
Clouds, Annex, Integration with HPC Todd Miller, Jaime Frey, Tim Slauson