May 24 – 27, 2021
America/Chicago timezone

Speaker Information

Speaker Information

Talk Content and Length

Most technical talks at HTCondor Week are 20 minutes long, including time for questions. We try to keep talks on schedule, so aim for a 15-18 minute presentation. We keep the talks short so we can hear from more members of the community, and also to reduce the workload for our speakers.

HTCondor Week offers a diverse audience. It includes system administrators who manage HTCondor pools as well as end users who are just learning how to use HTCondor. Some people have computer science backgrounds, while others are scientists or managers.

If you are an end-user talking about how you use HTCondor, try to balance the description of your work with the description of how you use HTCondor. If you are a HTCondor system administrator, search for a balance between the nitty gritty details and the big picture of how you administer HTCondor.

But above all, don't worry too much about your talk. HTCondor Week attendees are a relaxed crowd that enjoys learning more about HTCondor and how people use it. Don't feel that you must have formal results in order to present; we also like to hear talks such as what you hope to achieve, activities that have recently started, or areas where you think HTCondor could improve. We especially welcome HTCondor feedback and/or feature requests!

How to submit an abstract

  1. Start by creating an account on our Indico system. (People who created an account in previous years can skip this step.)
  2. Login to the Indico system using the account you just created.
  3. Submit your abstract.
  4. You should receive an automatic confirmation email. We'll follow up closer to the event with details about how to upload your slides.

Submitting your slides

Please submit your slides by email, ideally in both PDF and Powerpoint formats, to no later than Friday, May 21.


All presenters will be expected to share their slides over Zoom. We expect that most people are familiar with Zoom features at this point, but we will still plan to host a technical test before the event for anybody who is interested. Expect more details in May.

HTCondor versus Condor

Our software is now called HTCondor. To minimize confusion, we ask that your slides use HTCondor and not Condor.