Parallel Session Topics and Convenors
(as of 11/20/24)
CIPANP Scientific Topics 2025
Physics at High Energies: Higgs physics; Collider searches for SUSY and other beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) physics,; Theoretical interpretations; Next generation colliders – Future Circular Collider, International Linear Collider, muon collider, …; Models of BSM physics
Conveners: Lisa Everett (Wisconsin), Laura Jeanty (Oregon), TBD, TBD
Precision Physics at High Intensities: Muon Physics (g-2, muon-to-electron conversion and other lepton flavor violation, muon capture, muonium studies, muonic Lamb shift), Rare meson decays, Weak charges of the electron and proton, Antihydrogen, Family and lepton number tests at high energies, Proton decay, n-nbar oscillations
Conveners: Paul King (Ohio), Emanuele Mereghetti (LANL), Dylan Palo (Fermilab), Alli Zec (New Hampshire)
Cosmic Physics and Dark Energy, Inflation, and Strong-Field Gravity: Cosmic microwave background and its polarization, Other high-precision cosmology, Large-scale structure formation, Cosmological parameters, Re-ionization epoch, Cosmologically generated gravitational waves, Short-range tests of gravity and new interactions, Astrophysical tests of general relativity, Inflation and baryogenesis, Theories of dark energy/inflation, Multi-verses, cyclic universes, arrow of time
Conveners: laura Newburgh (Yale), TBD, TBD
Neutrino Masses and Neutrino Mixing: Neutrino oscillations in neutrino beams and with reactor fluxes, Double beta decay, Solar and atmospheric neutrinos, Direct neutrino mass measurements, Cosmological constraints on neutrino mass, Neutrino flavor physics of supernovae, Neutrino cross section measurements; Crosss list: Special Session on High energy Astrophysics with Neutrino Detectors
Conveners: Afroditi Papadopoulou (ANL), Julia Gehrlein (CSU), Walter Pettus (Indiana)
Tests of Symmetries and the Electroweak Interaction: CKM tests in neutron and nuclear beta decay, Hadronic parity violation, EDMs of the electron, neutron, atoms, and molecules, P- and T-odd neutron and nuclear beta decay correlations, Neutron lifetime
Conveners: Susan Gardner (Kentucky), William Terrano (ASU), TBD
Dark Matter: Direct detection of WIMP dark matter, Astrophysical searches for dark matter, Collider searches for dark matter, Axions and other light dark matter candidates, Theories of dark matter and its interactions, Instrumentation
Conveners: Alvine Kamaha (UCLA), Yonatan Khan (UIUC), Shawn Westerdale (UC Riverside)
Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics: Supernovae: Observations and modeling; Neutron stars and neutron star mergers; Multi-messenger astrophysics; Big bang nucleosynthesis; Explosive nucleosynthesis; Detection of high energy cosmic rays (IceCube, Pierre Auger, …); Cosmic ray sources and acceleration mechanisms: nucleons, nuclei, electrons/positrons, gammas, neutrinos; Underground laboratories; Cross-list: Special Session on High energy Astrophysics with Neutrino Detectors:
Conveners: Kelly Chipps (ORNL), Rebecca Surman (Notre Dame), TBD
Nuclear Structure for Neutrinos and Astrophysics: Nuclear matrix elements for neutrino and dark matter interactions; Reaction rates; Equation of State.
Conveners: Ingo Tews (LANL), Anna McCoy (ANL), Christian Drischler (Ohio)
Heavy Flavors and the CKM Matrix: Decays, mixings, lifetimes, and CP asymmetries of charmed and b-flavored hadrons; QCD, Hadron Spectroscopy, and ExoticsDecays, mixings, lifetimes, and CP asymmetries of charmed and b-flavored hadrons; QCD calculations that aid in the determination of the CKM matrix; Interpretations of non-standard model effects and extensions; BES3, CLEO, BaBar and Belle results; LHC flavor physics results; Rare decays; Lattice QCD calculations of heavy quark physics; BSM contributions to flavor physics
Conveners: Rafael Silva Coutinho (Syracuse), Alexey Petrov (USC), TBD
QCD, Hadron Spectroscopy, and Exotics: Diagonal and transition form factors, Proton charge radius, Light quark meson and baryon spectroscopy, Spectroscopy of heavy quark states, Models, Lattice QCD calculations, Determining hadronic properties from experimental data.
Conveners: Paul Reimer (ANL), TBD, TBD
Parton and Gluon Distributions in Nucleons and Nuclei: Unpolarized parton distribution functions, Longitudinal and transverse spin structure of the nucleon, Generalized parton distributions, Nucleon spin, Quark-gluon correlations, Non-perturbative models, Lattice QCD calculations, Hadronization
Conveners: Radja Boughezal (ANL), Shujie Li (LBL), Julie Roche (Ohio)
Nuclear Forces and Structure, NN Correlations, and Medium Effects: Polarizabilities, Structure functions and the Coulomb sum rule, EMC effect and color transparency, Short-range correlations, Nuclear forces, chiral interactions, Nuclear models vs. ab initio methods, Nuclei and nuclear forces from lattice QCD, Nuclei far from the valley of stability, Neutron-rich nuclei, nuclear matter, and the equation of state, Nucleon and nuclear structure for fundamental symmetries
Conveners: Tyler Hague (JLab), Saori Pastore (WUSTL), TBD
Quark Matter and High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions: QCD phase diagram, Initial state effects, Correlations and fluctuations, Thermodynamics and hadron chemistry, Relations to other strongly interacting systems, Open heavy flavor and quarkonia, Jets
Conveners: Xin Dong (LBNL), Olga Evdokimov (UIC), Jean-Francois Paquet (Vanderbilt), Prithwish Tribedy (BNL)
Special Session on High energy Astrophysics with Neutrino Detectors: Very high energy cosmic neutrinos, neutrinos astronomy and multimessenger astrophysics
Convener: Lu Lu (Wisconsin)