May 23 – 26, 2022
Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus
America/Chicago timezone

Speaker Information

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Speaker Information

How to sign up to give a talk at HTCondor Week

Just press the "Submit New Abstract" button at the bottom of this page; you will be asked for a title (you can always change it later) and a talk abstract. For the abstract, we are just looking for a couple sentences to summarize what you plan to discuss. If it takes you more than 5 minutes, you are overthinking it :). Most submitted talks will be scheduled for either Tues or Weds; if you have hard date/time restrictions, please let us know in the abstract.

Talk content and Length

Most technical talks at HTCondor Week are 20 minutes long, including time for questions. We try to keep talks on schedule, so aim for a 15-18 minute presentation. We keep the talks short so we can hear from more members of the community, and also to reduce the workload for our speakers.

HTCondor Week offers a diverse audience. It includes system administrators who manage HTCondor pools as well as end users who are just learning how to use HTCondor. Some people have computer science backgrounds, while others are scientists or managers.

If you are an end-user talking about how you use HTCondor, try to balance the description of your work with the description of how you use HTCondor. If you are a HTCondor system administrator, search for a balance between the nitty gritty details and the big picture of how you administer HTCondor.

But above all, don't worry too much about your talk. HTCondor Week attendees are a relaxed crowd that enjoys learning more about HTCondor and how people use it. The feel is more that of a user meeting than a typical conference. Don't feel that you must have formal results in order to present; we also like to hear talks such as what you hope to achieve, activities that have recently started, or areas where you think HTCondor could improve.

Providing your slides:

We will need your slides in advance of your presentations so we can have them ready and on-screen when your talk begins. Please email your slides, ideally in both PDF and Powerpoint formats to, no later than the day before your presentation. If you have an Indico account (event site), you may also upload them directly yourself if you prefer. Below are the instructions for doing so, but feel free to send them to us to upload.

  1. Open the HTCondor Week Schedule page.
  2. Log in to the Indico platform, using the same username + password you used to submit your abstract. The Login button is in the top-right corner.
  3. Find your talk on the Schedule page. You'll notice a downwards arrow button to the right of your talk listing. Click this button and select "Add material".
  4. Now upload your slides, ideally in both PDF and PowerPoint formats.
The call for abstracts is closed.