May 23 – 26, 2022
Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus
America/Chicago timezone

Google Cloud Roadmap for HTCondor (In Person Speaker for All Registrants)

May 25, 2022, 10:00 AM
Howard Auditorium (Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus)

Howard Auditorium

Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus

601 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53715-1035


Tom Downes (Google Cloud)

Summary (2-4 sentences)

Google Cloud is developing new products to help users adopt the Cloud more easily, securely, and cost-effectively. We will discuss support for Google Cloud in HTCondor and our joint plans to expand them to better support hybrid bursting and heterogeneous pools.

Availability of the Speaker

Please schedule me on Wednesday, May 25th. I will be discussing a new product from Google Cloud that will go public on that date. I cannot speak about it on 23rd or 24th. I will be attending on Thursday, but prefer Wednesday.

Primary author

Tom Downes (Google Cloud)

Presentation materials