May 23 – 26, 2022
Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus
America/Chicago timezone

Using Computer Vision for individual animal monitoring in dairy farms (In Person Speaker for All Registrants)

May 26, 2022, 10:05 AM
Howard Auditorium (Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus)

Howard Auditorium

Fluno Center on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus

601 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53715-1035


Rafael Ferreira

Availability of the Speaker

Prefer to present on Wednesday

Summary (2-4 sentences)

Dairy cows are commonly fed total mixed rations (TMR), which allow the delivery of a specific profile of nutrients. However, cows commonly sort TMR, resulting in negative impacts on cow health and profitability. Currently, there are no continuous or automated approaches to identify feeding behavior. The objectives of this study were: 1) to build a CVS to detect and track mouth movement, and 2) to investigate the association between mouth motion features and feed intake and sorting.

Primary author

Ariana Negreiro (Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Dr Tiago Bresolin Dr Sebastian Arriola Apelo Dr Joao Dorea

Presentation materials