Thursday, September 3, 2009

    • 1
      High energy neutrino astronomy with IceCube
      Speaker: Ignacio Taboada (Georgia Institute of Technology)
    • 2
      Neutrino flavor ratio on Earth and at origin
      Speaker: Ming-Huey Huang (National United University, Taiwan)
      We discuss the reconstruction of neutrino flavor ratios at astrophysical sources from future neutrino-telescope measurements, given the knowledge of neutrino mixing angles obtained from terrestrial experiments. With a statistical analysis, we demonstrate that the pion source and the muon damped source can be distinguished at the 3sigma level provided the accuracies on measuring R= Phi(Nu_mu)/ (Phi(nu_e) + Phi(Nu_tau))) and S=Phi(nu_e) / Phi(nu_tau) can both reach about 10%. On the other hand, the above two sources are very difficult to distinguish by merely measuring R alone. We also discuss the effect of leptonic CP phase on such a flavor-ratio reconstruction.
    • 3
      Auger Results
      Speaker: Segev BenZvi (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
    • 10:35 AM
      coffee break outside Lecture Hall

      outside Lecture Hall

    • 4
      Indications of dark matter from astrophysical observations
      Speaker: Mr Yu Gao (UW Madison)
    • 5
      Models of Neutrino Mass and Mixings
      Speaker: Lisa Everett (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
    • 12:15 PM
      Lunch Break
    • 6
      What do we know about Extra-galactic sources of neutrinos and Ultra- High Energy cosmic rays?
      Speaker: Peter Meszaros (Pennsylvania State University)
    • 7
      Indirect dark matter searches with neutrino telescopes
      Speaker: Sotiris Loucatos (IRFU, CEA-Saclay)
    • 8
      Galactic sources: connections between gamma-ray astronomy and neutrinos
      Speaker: Todor Stanev (University of Delaware)
    • 4:00 PM
      coffee break
    • 9
      IceCube - Low energy physics with IceCube Deep Core
      Speaker: Ty DeYoung (Penn State University)
    • 10
      Speaker: Aguilar Sanchez Juan Antonio (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
    • 11
      VERITAS results
      Speaker: Martin Schroedter (Iowa State)
    • 6:00 PM
      Conference Dinner Community Terrace

      Community Terrace