August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

Dilepton production in heavy ion collisions

Sep 3, 2022, 2:20 PM


Parallel session talk Quark Matter and High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions HIC: Quark Matter and High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions


Lijuan Ruan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


Dileptons are a crucial probe of the strongly interacting matter created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Leptons are produced during the whole evolution of the created matter and can traverse the medium with minimal interactions. Different kinematics of dilepton pairs (mass and transverse momentum ranges) can selectively probe the properties of the formed matter throughout its entire evolution. In the low invariant mass range (M_{ll} < 1.1 GeV/c2), vector meson in-medium properties may be studied via dilepton decays and may exhibit modifications related to possible chiral symmetry restoration. The di-lepton spectra in the intermediate mass range (1.1 < M_{ll} < 3.0 GeV/c2 ) are expected to be directly related to the thermal radiation of the Quark-Gluon Plasma. In this talk, I will review the recent measurements of dileptons in heavy ion collisions. Future perspectives will also be discussed.

Primary author

Lijuan Ruan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials