Analogous to the Periodic Table of the Elements (PTE), the proposed non-scalar Periodic Table of the Three Families of Matter (PTM) is based upon a periodicity theory that every first family actual quark and baryon has a more massive virtual counterpart in the second and third families of matter. For example, the first family neutron (actual, with two down quarks and one up quark) is replicated by the charmed omega (virtual, with two strange quarks and one charm quark), a/k/a the putative second family seutron (my name), and by the putative third family beutron (virtual, with two bottom quarks and one top quark), and so on, for all postulated second and third family virtual baryons.
In order of increasing GeV mass, these fundamental particles are arranged, within their corresponding composite particles. The PTM consists of verified raw data, is self-explanatory and has a Table worksheet insert that shows how the Table terms were defined, the assumptions upon which they were established and the manner in which conclusions were drawn from those assumptions. The PTM and its worksheet constitute the conference poster, which is immediately available for submission.
In support of PTM validity, it demonstrates: that all fundamental particles, which are less massive than the 4.5 GeV bottom quark, sum to the mass of the bottom quark; that all quarks and corresponding baryons, which are more massive than the bottom quark, including the scalar Higgs boson, are divisible by the mass of the bottom quark; that there exists a PTM energy well (within a ≈ 1.5% margin of error), which is analogous to the PTE energy well; that the PTM energy well spans the 171 GeV mass differential between the 175.5 GeV top quark and the 4.5 GeV bottom quark (analagous to hydrogen and uranium); that the PTM energy well has an 85.5 GeV bottom, which bisects the 9 GeV differential between the 81 GeV W± bosons and the 90 GeV Zº boson (analagous to iron 56); and that fundamental particle formation favors fusion above, and fission below, 85.5 GeV.
The PTM attempts to answer the infrequently asked question, “Why are there three families of matter?” It concludes: that the three existing families of matter constitute the coordinated mechanism by which the universe sequentially cycles from energy to matter, and back again, ad infinitum; that the Wº boson is actual and not theoretical; that the Wº boson is a primary particle; that the W± bosons are secondary particles; that the Wº boson bifurcates polarity, rather than decays, which conserves mass; and that there is a Periodic Table of Second Family Elements, which explains the physics of a magnetar and other neutron stellar phenomena.