Jefferson Lab is facing a time of change, unprecedented since the founding of the Lab, by diversifying and expanding its scientific mission, in partnership with DOE-SC. Over the next decade Jefferson Lab will be delivering on the 12 GeV program while laying the groundwork for CEBAF’s future role in Nuclear Physics. Upgrades for higher luminosity, polarized and unpolarized positron beams, and higher energies up to 24 GeV are envisioned.
To probe the science that would be opened up by a higher energy electron beam (~20-24 GeV), a series of summer workshops has been organized jointly between the laboratory and the Jefferson Lab Users Organization. The workshops aim to identify key measurements that are not possible to access at 12 GeV and that initially utilize largely existing or already-planned Hall equipment, and that leverage the unique capabilities of luminosity and precision possible at Jefferson Lab in the EIC era.
In the presentation the initial investigation of these opportunities at higher energy CEBAF will be given.