August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

Investigating the Quark Gluon Plasma with Multi-system Bayesian Analysis in the JETSCAPE framework

Sep 3, 2022, 3:30 PM


Parallel session talk Quark Matter and High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions HIC: Quark Matter and High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions


Wenbin Zhao (Wayne State University)


The quark gluon plasma (QGP) created in the Ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions behaves like a near perfect fluid with a small specific shear viscosity. Due to its transience and microscopic size, the QGP cannot be observed directly, but only through the particles it emits.
The JETSCAPE framework is a multistage framework that incorporates multiple models, each effective at an individual scale range [1,2]. Within the JETSCAPE framework, we will discuss about the extraction of the transport coefficients of the QGP by a model-to-data comparison with Bayesian inference. Specially, we will present an extensive, comparative study that explores the properties of the strongly-coupled quark-gluon plasma with a multistage model of heavy ion collisions that combines the TRENTO initial condition ansatz, free-streaming, viscous relativistic hydrodynamics, and a relativistic hadronic transport with deuteron evolution. Deuteron production shows sensitivity to the hydrodynamic model — in particular to bulk viscosity [3]. Accounting for the different sets of model assumptions in the model analysis and comparing various flow observables, including the related observables for deuterons, Bayesian inference provides the most reliable phenomenological constraints to date on the QGP viscosities.
[1] D. Everett et al. [JETSCAPE], Phys. Rev. C 103 (2021) no.5, 054904.
[2] D. Everett et al. [JETSCAPE], Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 (2021) no.24, 242301.
[3] D. Everett et al. [JETSCAPE], [arXiv:2203.08286 [hep-ph]].

Primary author

Wenbin Zhao (Wayne State University)

Presentation materials