August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

Large deviations to neutron beta decay radiative corrections

Sep 1, 2022, 1:05 PM


Parallel session talk Tests of Symmetries and the Electroweak Interaction EW: Tests of Symmetries and the Electroweak Interaction


Leendert Hayen (North Carolina State University)


Neutron beta decay is an excellent case for testing the internal consistency of the Standard Model electroweak sector and probe new physics (NP) at the TeV scale through its absence of nuclear structure corrections. Radiative corrections (RC) precipitate the largest change to the decay rate and have received renewed interest due to recent changes. With the advent of precision lattice QCD calculations, a comparison with experimental form factors are intrinsically interesting for NP given that any differences due to RC are taken into account. Using chiral effective field theory, we report on percent-level unaccounted-for differences between the vector and axial weak charge with sizeable uncertainties. We discuss consequences for extracting NP from the comparison with lattice QCD and point towards successful future strategies.

Primary authors

Leendert Hayen (North Carolina State University) Dr Emanuele Mereghetti (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr Andre Walker-Loud (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Prof. Vincenzo Cirigliano (University of Washington) Prof. Jordy de Vries (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

Presentation materials