Quantum Chromodynamics allows for the formation of parity-odd domains inside the medium produced in heavy-ion collisions associated with a net chirality of the quarks. Thus one local $CP$ violation phenomenal, Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME), is allowed in the heavy-ion collisions. In the past two decades, many experimental researchers are looking for such an effect with different observables and techniques. Although some non-zero results are observed at both RHIC and LHC energies, looking for conclusive evidence of CME is still going on, which requires careful consideration of the charge-dependent backgrounds.
Recently, the STAR experiment has reported their latest studies at both top and lower RHIC energies and try to quantify the possible signal. In this talk, I will present my understanding of the recent studies of the Au+Au collisions and isobar collisions. Some possible future experimental outlooks will also be briefly discussed.