August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

An Overview of Cross Sections in Neutrino Physics

Aug 31, 2022, 3:30 PM
Palm Ballroom 3 ,

Palm Ballroom 3 ,

Parallel session talk Neutrino Masses and Neutrino Mixing Nu: Neutrino Masses and Neutrino Mixing


Oleksandr Tomalak (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


In this talk, I will describe neutrino interactions over a wide energy range and overview experimentally observed reactions. I will discuss theoretical approaches for the evaluation of scattering cross sections for different neutrino-induced processes at various energy scales. The energy range and precision of modern and future neutrino experiments and observations require us to account for radiative corrections and improve phenomenological input in reactions with neutrinos. I will motivate and discuss a few recent precise calculations of radiative corrections to charged-current and neutral-current neutrino scattering processes and discuss phenomenological applications of such calculations.

Primary author

Oleksandr Tomalak (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Presentation materials