August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

An Overview of Future Neutrino Experiments

Aug 30, 2022, 2:00 PM
Palm Ballroom 3

Palm Ballroom 3

Parallel session talk Neutrino Masses and Neutrino Mixing Nu: Neutrino Masses and Neutrino Mixing


Dr Tanaz Mohayai (Fermilab)


In the past decade, experimental neutrino physics has evolved to be one of the most exciting and rapidly growing fields of scientific research. In particular, the discovery of neutrino oscillations is a significant step towards understanding whether neutrinos violate the CP-symmetry. Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) and Hyper-Kamiokande are two long-baseline neutrino experiments that will start up in the next decade to precisely measure this CP violation. In addition to precisely measuring the CP-violation, DUNE will use an intense beam of neutrinos and a highly capable suite of near detectors and far detector modules to precisely measure neutrino oscillation parameters, observe supernova burst neutrinos, and detect rare processes such as proton decay. JUNO will measure neutrino mass ordering and study neutrino oscillations at medium baselines. Several experiments are planned, including Fermilab’s short baseline program, to determine the source of anomalies observed in short-baseline neutrino experiments. The goal of this talk is to provide an overview of these neutrino experiments that will be launched over the next decade and will lead the field to new discoveries.

Primary author

Dr Tanaz Mohayai (Fermilab)

Presentation materials