August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

Hadron-quark phase transitions in core-collapse supernovae

Sep 1, 2022, 3:55 PM


Parallel session talk Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics PNA: Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics


Anna Suliga (UC, Berkeley and U. of Wisconsin)


Core-collapse supernovae are one of the most complex phenomena in the universe. Not only are they one of the sites of the production of the heavy elements which enable the existence of life, but their cores are also one of the densest environments we can indirectly probe. At such densities, the matter may no longer consist only of hadronic degrees of freedom but undergo a phase transition to quark matter. In this talk, I will discuss the implications of such a transition on the neutrino emission from core-collapse supernovae.

Primary authors

Anna Suliga (UC, Berkeley and U. of Wisconsin) Baha Balantekin (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Tetyana Pitik (Niels Bohr Institutet ) Daniel Heimsoth (University of Wisconsin)

Presentation materials