August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

Neutron Measurements to Probe the Hadronic Weak Interaction

Sep 2, 2022, 11:30 AM
Palm Ballroom 3 ,

Palm Ballroom 3 ,

Parallel session talk Precision Physics at High Intensities HI: Precision Physics at High Intensities


Murad Sarsour (Georgia State University)


The hadronic weak interaction provides unique probe of the strong dynamics that confine quarks into nucleons in the low energy non-perturbative QCD regime. Precision measurements of parity violating observables in few body NN systems can provide important benchmarks for models that aim to describe this low-energy non-perturbative QCD regime, as well as effective models that seek to describe the NN weak interaction itself. Recent theoretical work [1,2] implies a large parity-odd neutron spin rotation (NSR) in $^{4}$He just outside the previous measurement of $d\phi/dz = [+2.1 \pm 8.3(stat.) \pm 2.9(sys.)] \times 10^{-7}$ rad/m [3]. Upgrades to the NSR apparatus enable an experimental sensitivity of less than $[\pm 1.0(stat.) \pm 1.0(sys.)] \times 10^{-7}$ rad/m [4] on the NG-C beamline at NIST. The status of the NSR apparatus as well as implications of the recent measurements of the weak pion exchange component of the NN weak interaction [5] and in the n-$^{3}$He system [6] will be discussed.

[1] S. Gardner, W. C. Haxton, and B. R. Holstein, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. ${\bf 67}$, 69 (2017).
[2] R. Lazauskas and Y.-H Song, Phys. Rev. C ${\bf 99}$, 054002 (2019).
[3] H. E. Swanson ${\it et \hspace{1mm} al.}$, Phys. Rev. C ${\bf 100}$, 015204 (2019).
[4] W. M. Snow ${\it et \hspace{1mm} al.}$, Rev. Sci. Inst. ${\bf 94}$, 055101, (2015).
[5] D. Blyth ${\it et \hspace{1mm} al.}$ (NPDGamma Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. ${\bf 121}$, 242002 (2018).
[6] M. T. Gericke ${\it et \hspace{1mm} al.}$ (n$^3$He Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. ${\bf 125}$, 131803 (2020).

Primary author

Murad Sarsour (Georgia State University)

Presentation materials