August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

Inclusive semileptonic $B$ decays on the lattice

Aug 30, 2022, 5:00 PM


Parallel session talk Heavy Flavors and the CKM Matrix HF: Heavy Flavors and the CKM Matrix


Sandro Maechler (Universities of Zurich and Turin)


One of the most persistent tensions in flavor physics is the $V_{cb}$ puzzle, a long standing tension between inclusive and exclusive determinations of the CKM matrix element $V_{cb}$. After lattice QCD has been applied extremely successfully in the calculation of physical quantities needed for the exclusive determination of $V_{cb}$ for many years, now also methods for computing inclusive observables on the lattice are available.
First results obtained using these methods at an unphysical $m_b$ are presented, systematically compared to the predictions the operator product expansion and future prospects are discussed.

Primary authors

Sandro Maechler (Universities of Zurich and Turin) Prof. Paolo Gambino (University of Turin and INFN Turin) Prof. Shoji Hashimoto (KEK, SOKENDAI) Mr Antonio Smecca (University of Turin) Prof. Marco Panero (University of Turin) Dr Francesco Sanfilippo (INFN, Sezione di Roma Tre) Prof. Silvano Simula (INFN, Sezione di Roma Tre) Prof. Nazario Tantalo (University of Rome Tor Vergata)

Presentation materials