August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

Progress on the extraction of generalized parton distributions

Aug 31, 2022, 1:00 PM
Palm Ballroom 3 ,

Palm Ballroom 3 ,

Parallel session talk Parton and Gluon Distributions in Nucleons and Nuclei PDF: Parton and Gluon Distributions in Nucleons and Nuclei


Hervé Dutrieux (CEA Irfu)


Generalized parton distributions (GPDs) encompass crucial information on the three-dimensional structure of hadrons and their mechanical properties via the energy-momentum tensor form factors. I will present our improved understanding of the extraction of GPDs from hard exclusive measurements, as well as the modelling efforts undertaken to give a more comprehensive picture of extraction uncertainties. I will also discuss the implementation of theoretical constraints, with a particular focus on the situation at low Bjorken x which is relevant in collider kinematics like the future EIC.

Primary author


Dr Hervé Moutarde (CEA Irfu)

Presentation materials