The E989 collaboration has published the most precise measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment $a_\mu$ with an uncertainty of $\mathrm{460\,ppb}$ in 2021. The new experimental world average of $a_\mu$ deviates by 4.2 standard deviations from the Standard Model prediction provided by the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative. The emerging results from ab-initio lattice QCD calculations allow to scrutinize this tantalizing hint for physics beyond the Standard Model for the first time in a three way comparison. To extract the value of $a_\mu$ a clock comparison experiment is performed with spin-polarized muons confined in a superbly controlled electric and magnetic field environment. The deviation of the Larmor from the cyclotron frequency, the anomalous spin precession frequency, is determined while a high-precision measurement of the magnetic field environment is performed using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. I will discuss the most recent result from the first science data run in 2018 and will report on the experimental improvements implemented to achieve the ultimate goal of $\mathrm{140\,ppb}$ uncertainty on $a_\mu$.