The permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron (nEDM) provides one of the most promising systems for searches of undiscovered CP-violations. The Standard Model (SM) provides a contribution to the nEDM several order of magnitudes smaller than the current experimental bound, thus the experimental finding of a permanent nEDM provides a unique, background-free window for potential discovery of physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM).
Contributions to the nEDM can come from effective operators, describing at low hadronic energies the effects of BSM theories, and from the theta term of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). In order to interpret future experimental positive and null results for the nEDM, and disentangle the possible sources of CP-violation, we need to precisely determine the hadronic matrix elements of the corresponding renormalized operators.
The most promising tool to determine hadronic matrix elements is with a non-perturbative study of QCD on the lattice. I will briefly introduce lattice QCD together with the most recent developments, such as the gradient flow. I will then present and discuss the current status of lattice QCD calculations, including recent claims on the role of the theta term in electric dipole moment
calculations. Conclusions will summarize challenges and possibilities for near-future calculations.