August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

Recent results on proton structure and hadronization from LHCb

Sep 2, 2022, 10:30 AM
Palm Ballroom 1 ,

Palm Ballroom 1 ,

Parallel session talk QCD, Hadron Spectroscopy, and Exotics QCD: QCD, Hadron Spectroscopy, and Exotics


Sook Hyun Lee


Parton dynamics inside the proton and hadronization are key areas of research in Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) at LHCb at the Large Hadron Collider. A large hard scale above the electroweak scale reached by hadron collisions at unprecedentedly high energies enables measurements sensitive to multiple scales that potentially explain interesting nonperturbative dynamics inside the proton and in hadronization. Measurements of final state particles in association with weak boson production are theoretically favorable due to being well into the factorization regime in perturbative QCD where precise predictions can be made with reduced uncertainties. As a forward spectrometer, the LHCb detectors can access complementary kinematic regions in partonic variables to other general purpose detectors at LHC and retain a large fraction of heavy flavor production. These advantages together with excellent particle identification and full jet reconstruction capabilities, and a low number of multiple collisions at LHCb opened up opportunities for a variety of unique and clean QCD measurements. This talk will highlight selected recent results probing transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) distributions of quarks, its spin-momentum correlations, and intrinsic charm inside the proton and TMD fragmentation functions in jets.

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