August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

Nuclear Physics Measurements to understand Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Aug 31, 2022, 1:40 PM


Parallel session talk Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics PNA: Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics


Carl Brune (Ohio University)


Recent experimental and theoretical nuclear physics results that connect to Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) will be reviewed. Motivations for new nuclear physics measurements are provided by precise astrophysical deuterium observations and the need to understand the BBN production of elements heavier than helium. These heavier elements (lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, etc...) may be important seed material for further nucleosynthesis in the first generation of stars. Specific cases where new measurements are needed will be indicated.

Primary author

Carl Brune (Ohio University)

Presentation materials