August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

Results from the aSPECT experiment

Sep 1, 2022, 4:30 PM


Parallel session talk Tests of Symmetries and the Electroweak Interaction EW: Tests of Symmetries and the Electroweak Interaction


Stefan Baessler (University of Virginia)


We report on a precise measurement of the antineutrino-electron angular
correlation (the $a$ coefficient) in free neutron beta-decay obtained with the
$a$SPECT experiment. The $a$ coefficient is inferred from the recoil
energy spectrum of the protons. Protons are detected in $4\pi$ in the
$a$SPECT spectrometer using magnetic adiabatic collimation with
an electrostatic filter. We have obtained $a = -0.10430(84)$ (as
published in Phys. Rev. C 101, 055506 (2020)) which is the most precise measurement of the neutron $a$ coefficient to date. We also give a preview on further
analysis efforts and our derivation of the Fierz term.

Primary author

Stefan Baessler (University of Virginia)

Presentation materials