August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

ZOMBIES: an experiment to measure nuclear anapole moments

Sep 2, 2022, 12:00 PM
Palm Ballroom 3 ,

Palm Ballroom 3 ,

Parallel session talk Precision Physics at High Intensities HI: Precision Physics at High Intensities


David DeMille (University of Chicago)


A nuclear anapole moment (NAM)--a magnetic moment associated with a localized toroidal current--arises due to hadronic parity violating interactions between nucleons. The NAM can be detected via the coupling of its local magnetic field to the spin of a penetrating electron, such as an unpaired valence electron in a neutral atom. ZOMBIES is an experiment to measure NAMs using neutral polar molecules, where the NAM serves to mix hyperfine/rotational states of opposite parity. A magnetic field is used to apply Zeeman shifts that bring these states to near degeneracy, leading to parity-violating asymmetries of order unity. This talk will describe a proof-of-principle measurement with ZOMBIES, and prospects for near- and long-term measurements of many NAMs using this approach.

Primary authors

David DeMille (University of Chicago) Dr Sidney Cahn (Yale University) Dr Mangesh Bhattarai (University of Chicago) Tanvi Deshmukh (University of Chicago)

Presentation materials