August 29, 2022 to September 4, 2022
America/New_York timezone

Parity violation search with the galaxy 4-point correlation function

Aug 31, 2022, 4:50 PM


Parallel session talk Cosmic Physics and Dark Energy, Inflation, and Strong-Field Gravity DE: Cosmic Physics and Dark Energy, Inflation, and Strong-Field Gravity


Zachary Slepian


Recently we have shown that the galaxy 4-point correlation function, which measures an excess of quartets of galaxies over random, is sensitive to parity violation in our universe’s large scale structure. It is fundamentally 3d and thus has a handedness even after applying isotropy, in contrast to galaxy pair and triplet correlations. With this new observable we have detected parity violation at high statistical significance using the largest currently available sample, the SDSS Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey’s roughly 1 M galaxies. If confirmed by upcoming sky surveys such as DESI this would indicate new physics operant in the universe’s earliest moments. In this talk I will discuss this result and the many systematics tests performed to test its robustness, as well as prospects for the future

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