Nov 6 – 8, 2013
America/Chicago timezone
We are looking forward to an exciting meeting, with a vast range of results on the Higgs boson discovery as well as the wide-ranging search for new physics and groundbreaking results on flavor physics and heavy ion physics from LHC Run 1. We will also hear of the preparations and exciting prospects for the next LHC run at higher energies, along with the well-advanced installations and longer term plans and developments for the LHC accelerator and detector upgrades. With the July 2012 discovery, and the fact that we have so far not found the physics beyond the Standard Model that may lie just over the horizon, this is a time of great anticipation in our field. Our annual meeting will provide an excellent opportunity for the members of our community, especially the younger members, to come and present and discuss their work. This will be complemented by status and physics highlights talks from each of the LHC experiments, the LHC accelerator team, and LARP, the view from Washington by representatives of the DOE and NSF, and a review and discussion of this year's trip to Washington together with Fermilab UEC and SLUO. We will also present the status of the transition of US LUO to the US LHC Users Association based in DC, hosted by URA. There will be a review of Snowmass on the Mississippi,a comprehensive study and discussion of the future plans, visions and challenges our field faces. File Upload Key for Indico: USLUO-Madison
Vidyo Room name: USLUO Extension: 925286555 Room moderator: Sridhara DASU Moderator PIN: No moderator PIN was defined Meeting PIN: No meeting PIN was defined Description: US LHC Users Organization Annual Meeting Auto-join URL: