Nov 6 – 8, 2013
America/Chicago timezone


You can choose one of the hotels from this list of Hotels near Pyle Center for convenience.

Recommended ones are:

Short walk (<10 minutes):

The Dahlmann Campus Inn, 601 Langdon St
(Group Name: US LHC Users Org. Annual Mtg., Group Number: 142465 for $139 rate)

Doubletree, 525 W Johnson St

Moderate walk (15 minutes):

Hyatt Place, 333 W Washington Ave

Concourse, 1 W Dayton St

Longer walk (20 minutes):

Hilton Monona Terrace, 9 E Wilson St

Driving distance (10-20 minutes):

There are tons of brand name ones with affordable prices that you can make a selection from the list available at