APS April 2011 Meeting - Selected Talks

Anaheim, CA, USA

Anaheim, CA, USA

Welcome to the online presentation archive for selected presentations from the APS April Meeting, 2011. This is a trial program organized and supported by the APS Committee of International Scientific Affairs (CISA) on behalf of the APS. Authors and speakers assume all responsibilities including copyright issues for materials posted online. For further information please contact Karsten Heeger (heeger@wisc.edu), Chair of APS CISA. The American Physical Society is working to better serve those members who cannot travel to APS meetings, especially those living outside of the United States (nearly 25% of the non-student members). Consequently, we are exploring options for increasing online access to speakers’ presentations at the Society’s meetings. At the 2011 April Meeting in Anaheim, the Society will conduct a trial of the usefulness and acceptance of online presentations from a broad cross-section of plenary, scientific and general-interest sessions. We will provide online access to the slide presentations from a small selection of sessions during the April Meeting that we believe would appeal to a diverse audience and represent a wide range of interests. The information and statistics gathered in this test trial will be used to guide the long-term planning for providing online access to future APS meetings.
    • 8:30 AM 10:48 AM
      Session A1: Kavli Foundation Plenary Session: 100 Years of Sub-Atomic Physics
      • 8:30 AM
        A1.00001: From Rutherford to the LHC 36m
        Speaker: Steven Weinberg
      • 9:06 AM
        A1.00002: LHC Results 36m
        Speaker: Maria Spiropulu
      • 9:43 AM
        A1.00003: The Hunt For Dark Matter 36m
        Speaker: Dan Hooper
    • 3:30 PM 5:18 PM
      Session E5: Nuclear Weapons at 65
      • 3:30 PM
        E5.00001: Nuclear Weapons at 65: Time to Retire? 36m
        Speaker: Rebecca Johnson
      • 4:06 PM
        E5.00002: Issues for Future Nuclear Arms Control 36m
        Speaker: Jay Davis
    • 1:30 PM 3:18 PM
      Session J1: The Essence of Neutrinos
      • 1:30 PM
        J1.00001: Measurements of Reactor Neutrinos at Short Distances 36m
        Speaker: Ed Blucher
      • 2:06 PM
        J1.00002: Measurements of Reactor Neutrinos at Long Baselines: KamLAND and Beyond 36m
        Speaker: Brian Fujikawa
      • 2:42 PM
        J1.00003: Weighing Neutrinos 36m
        Speaker: Joseph Formaggio
    • 1:30 PM 3:18 PM
      Session J3: New Results from the Cosmos
      • 1:30 PM
        J3.00001: The Backlit Universe: How Distant Quasars Illuminate the Large Scale Structure 36m
        Speaker: Anze Slosar
      • 2:06 PM
        J3.00002: Catching Shadows: Kepler's Year-Two Transit Census 36m
        Speaker: Natalie Batalha
      • 2:42 PM
        J3.00003: Herschel/Planck 36m
        Speaker: James Bartlett
    • 1:30 PM 3:18 PM
      Session J6: The Digital Divide in 2010
      • 1:30 PM
        J6.00001: The Digital Divide: A Global View 36m
        Speaker: Alexander Ntoko
      • 2:06 PM
        J6.00002: Research and education networks in Latin America: a Time of Change 36m
        Speaker: Michael Stanton
      • 2:42 PM
        J6.00003: Quantifying the Worldwide Digital Divide: The Emergence of Africa 36m
        Speaker: Roger Cottrell
    • 8:00 AM 9:48 AM
      Session P1: Plenary Session II
      • 8:00 AM
        P1.00001: Exoplanet Update 36m
        Speaker: John Johnson
      • 8:36 AM
        P1.00002: How federal government and university policies need to change to achieve more and better research and education 20m
        Speaker: Carl Wieman
      • 8:56 AM
        P1.00003: Energy Technology (Batteries) 20m
        Speaker: Yang Shao-Horn
    • 10:45 AM 12:33 PM
      Session Q3: Direct Detection of Dark Matter
      • 10:45 AM
        Q3.00001: Xenon 100 36m
        Speaker: Laura Baudis
      • 11:21 AM
        Q3.00002: Recent results from COUPP and CoGeNT 36m
        Speaker: Juan Collar
    • 1:30 PM 3:18 PM
      Session R5: The Status of Arms Control
      • 1:30 PM
        R5.00001: What Happens to Deterrence as Nuclear Weapons Decrease Toward Zero? 36m
        Speaker: Sidney Drell
      • 2:06 PM
        R5.00002: Confidence in Nuclear Weapons as Numbers Decrease and Time Since Testing Increases 36m
        Speaker: Marvin Adams
      • 2:42 PM
        R5.00003: Securing Support from a Skeptical Senate for Further Strategic Arms Controls 36m
        Speaker: Edward Levine
    • 3:30 PM 5:18 PM
      Session T1: The Future of Particle Physics
      • 3:30 PM
        T1.00001: The Tevatron and Beyond 36m
        Speaker: Pier Oddone
      • 4:06 PM
        T1.00002: The LHC and Beyond 36m
        Speakers: Philippe Bloch, Sergio Bertolucci
      • 4:42 PM
        T1.00003: Lepton Colliders 36m
        Speaker: David MacFarlane
    • 8:00 AM 9:48 AM
      Session V1: Plenary Session III
      • 8:00 AM
        V1.00001: What's Up with the Proton Radius? 36m
        Speaker: William Marciano
      • 8:36 AM
        V1.00002: Accelerators across Physics and Society 36m
        Speaker: Stuart Henderson
      • 9:12 AM
        V1.00003: Quantum opportunities in gravitational wave detectors 36m
        Speaker: Nervis Mavalvala
    • 1:30 PM 3:18 PM
      Session Y5: Science Diplomacy
      • 1:30 PM
        Y5.00001: Science Diplomacy in Large International Collaborations 36m
        Speaker: Barry Barrish
      • 2:06 PM
        Y5.00002: A Scientist's Approach to Diplomacy -- First, Listen and Learn 36m
        Speaker: Neal Lane
      • 2:42 PM
        Y5.00003: Science Diplomacy in Action 36m
        Speaker: Norman Neureiter
    • 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
      Instructions for Speakers
      more information
      • 6:00 PM
        Instructions for Speakers 20m
        Speaker: Karsten Heeger
        how to upload talks: instructions for speakers (html)
        how to upload talks: instructions for speakers (pdf)